Chateada !!!!!!
Poxa já estou 7 meses on e fiquei quase 2 meses sem contato , no começo eu não podia ir na data das famílias e quando realmente gostei de uma família eles escolheram outra + vamos lá. Eu estava em contato com 2 HF por idicação das Comu da vida, dai ambas me mandaram e-mail hj !!!! Nossa tô arrasada, fiquei muito chateada nd tá dando certo me pego pensando será que realmente isso é p/ mim ....... Vou postar os e-mail aqui p/ vcs olharem:
Family-2 kids
Hi Kellen,Please excuse my delay in getting back to you. Last week we were all sick and it was a bit crazy at home with the boys out of school.I have given more thought to your au pair application, and unfortunately, I do not feel comfortable that you would be able to safely drive the boys to and from school on what might be snowy/icy streets in January. For that reason, I do not believe that we would be a good match.Thank you for your interest and best wishes to you.Yours, HF
P.S: Meu brasil num neva, parecia um possivél match no inicio !
Family-3 kids
Dear Kellen, It was a very difficult decision but we decided to go with another girl. I am certain you will make an excellent Au Pair, the decision was based solely on location, i.e. we wanted to try an Au Pair from a different country. I wish you the best and I hope you find a great family. Best, HF
P.S.: Iludem parecia um possivél match tbm !
O que tirar disso, sou brasuca e não desisto nunca !!!!! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk